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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
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Financial Systems

LinkSOFT uses the following methodologies when interacting with external systems:

  1. FMIS File Export
  3. Web API
    1. EPICOR 10

The following integrations are available :

  1. Accounts Payable Invoice
  2. Accounts Payable Master
  3. Accounts Receivable Adjustment
  4. Accounts Receivable Master
  5. Accounts Receivable Receipt
  6. Accounts Receivable Sales Order
  7. Accounts Receivable Transaction
  8. Business Intelligence Reports
  9. General Ledger Journals
  10. General Ledger Master
  11. Inventory
  12. Tax Master

Configuring integration for specific LinkSOFT modules:

  1. Asset Management  - Asset activity and journals are sent to the external system.
  2. Payroll  - Payroll Journals and Creditor Invoices are sent to the external system.
  3. Time Management  - Billable time entry are created as sales orders and sent to the external system.
  4. Tax Monitoring System (TMS) integration - LinkSOFT is used to sign tax invoices raised in the external system.

Enable the following processes when integrating FMIS with Point of Sale (POS)

  1. POS FMIS Master Import - This process extracts FMIS master file data and updates LINKSOFT master file (Inventory Master, Barcodes, Serial No, Locations, Debtors)
  2. POS024 - This process creates FMIS entries for LINKSOFT transactions (Sales Order, Sales Order Payment, Debtor Adjustment, Cash Book Receipt, Shift Variance Journal, Inventory Adjustment Journal, Purchase Order Invoices)